
What it means being a Woman in times of Social Apps

Apps like Tinder & Co. hardly any woman trusts in them anymore. Too often unwanted pictures or messages came around or, what is even worse for most people, it was first pretended as if one was looking for a relationship, and then the tide turns after the first meeting. At that point, an emotional bond already exists, as women in particular build a deeper bond with their chosen one after each “moment of happiness”. In contrast to men, they do not have this hormone, which is why a disproportion often develops.

For fear of these disappointments, many women refrain completely from getting to know each other, which means that especially after moving to new cities or during stays abroad, the circle of friends quickly becomes smaller and smaller.

It is also important to talk about “get-to-know” apps. We deliberately don’t write dating, business or friendship into it, because life is so flexible and unpredictable that we don’t want to throw around any terms.

Since the women in our team have also been through a lot on various apps, it is especially important to us not to have any picture or video call options. Even if this can be done in a completely decent way, we are still of the opinion that the fear of another negative experience outweighs. Besides, you’ll see each other at your meeting anyway, so no reason for curiosity ;)

On NETME there are no rules who writes to whom first. We don’t even want to make something like that an issue, because it’s quite clear to us that both genders are on the same level, and we don’t have to express this through any contact rules.

At the meeting places we make sure that you can feel safe at all times. As possible locations we only have officially registered, frequently visited spots. So you don’t have to worry about weird meetings at home.

The nice thing is: NETME doesn’t dictate anything. Everything can develop from one meeting. Therefore there are no disappointments or unfulfilled expectations with us.

We hope to help you as much as possible and work hard every day to make our app more and more accessible.


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